Monday, May 11, 2009

Seismograph Arduino

Monday, May 11, 2009
I present my latest project with the Arduino, a Seismograph very simple and easy to build, consists of only one Arduino, a piezo buzzer a couple of resistors, springs, a deadweight and handmade paper clips stand(with a little more time and patience could be better).

The data are sent to my computer through the serial port to a program written in Pascal which display the data as graphs of lines.

Check the video.


TonyD said...

First rate project and a very creative use of bits and pieces from your spares box.

Arduino HN said...

Thanks you.

Bongmaster said...

awesome make. is there nothing a home builder cant do? :)

Unknown said...

tengo una pregunta que lenguaje de programacion usas para el sismografo

Arduino HN said...

Es turbo pascal en modo 13 gráficos en vga

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